She’s got style


She’s got Style offered active women an extensive programme of information and activities. Whimsical activities, sheer overindulgence and informative sessions all combined to make these two events (2005 and 2006) so special. Attendees were invited to participate in workshops, to feast their eyes on professional fashion shows and makeover sessions, to take part in discussions and to fantasise about treating themselves to some ‘me-time’ in dream destinations. These events emphasised products in the affordably-priced luxury segment, with She’s got Style mainly inspiring attendees to further their own development and enrich their knowledge.

Fashion shows from Chris Janssen were staged intermittently throughout the four-day event, which also included a lingerie exhibit and hat wear creations from Fabienne Delvigne. Along with the team from Cliént, celebrity stylist Glenn stood ready to give attendees new hairstyles on the spot. Henk van Cauwenbergh teamed with Brigitta Callens and others to conduct the official photo shoots and makeover sessions.